NCERT Solution For Class 11 English Hornbill The Ailing Planet : The Green Movements Role
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SUMMARY of the chapter The Ailing Planet:
This article was written by Nani palikhivala,and was published in the Indians Express on 24th November 1994.
The Author begins by commenting on the great attention received by the Green Movement. A revolutionary change has come in the perception of the human beings bringing in a "holistic & ecological view of the world. Earth is like a " patient' in declining health" Thus we have to realise our ethical responsibility of guardian the planet.The world Commission on environment and development propagated the concept of " sustainable development in 1987. Sustainable development calls for a well-balanced development,so as to meet the demands of the present and not to deprive our future generations from the resources.
Man has been considered as the most dangerous being on the planet. However due to the efforts of a number of agancies all over the world,man is learning to live in harmony with the other living species on the planet.Man's existence is shifting from the system of domination to that of partnership.
Me L.K Jha raised the question"Are we leaving our successors a scortchead planet of advancing desert, impoverished landscape and aling environment?"
Mr Brown points out in his book " The Golden economic prospect" four principal biological system, fisheries,forests , grassland and eroplands.
They form the foundation of the global economic system as they supply food and provide raw materials for industrial except minerals and petroleum derived synthetics. The demands of the human beings on these system is increasing to such an ' unsustainable' extent that the productivity of these system in being hampered.
The tropical forests or the power House of evolution are croding as a result several spies of life are facing extinction.
Article 48A of the Indian Constitution States that " the State shall endeavors to protect and improve the environment and safeguard the forests and wildlife of the country."
However,India is losing its forests at the rate of 3.7 million acres of a year
Questions and answers of the chapter THE AILING PLANET "Green Movements Role"
1.What new perception has been taken of the earth in the recent times?
How have we shifted from the mechanistic view to a holistic and ecological view of the world?
Ans- Earlier the world or the earth was perceived more with a mechanistic view. But now it is being seen as something living as an organically whole body. The earth is perceived as a living organism having different parts. It has its own metabolic needs and vital processes which need to be respected and preserved.
2.What is on the basis of the Brandt Commission? What kind of warning has been referred to in the Fast Brandt Commission?
Ans- The basis of the Brandt Commission are Ecology and Environment.
In its first report, it raised question “Are we to leave our successors a scorched planet of advancing deserts, impoverished landscapes and ailing environment?” It means our planet in such a situation will be given to our successors.
3.What according to L.R. Brown are the earth’s principle biological system? How do they sustain human life?
Ans – According to L.R. Brown, there are four principle biological system of the earth. They are –fisheries, forests, grassland and cropland.
They supply not only food but almost all the raw material for industry except minerals and petroleum derived synthesis.
4.Where do you find the zoo where there is a cage the notice roads “The world’s most dangerous animal”?
Ans – In the zoo at Lusaka, Zambia, there is a cage where the notice reads “The world’s most dangerous animal”.
5.How does industry play a crucial role in the new era of responsibility?
Ans – Industry contribute much to the environmental pollution by polluting the air, water and land. In the new era of responsibility the industries can play a crucial role in controlling pollution if they follow the rule prescribe by the government in running the industries.
‘6.Development is the best contraceptive’. Explain.
Ans- It is true that development can really be the best contraceptive. When there is development, income rise, education spreads and health improves. Due to this there is rise in the standard of living. All these tend effect fertility.
7.What do you think are the reasons behind the earth’s being perceived as a living organism?
Ans – The reason behind the earth’s being perceived as a living organism is the deteriorating environment. The earth is a living body and harm done to one part of it is bound to show its effect on the whole earth.
8.What green picture of India does the author draw due to its population?
Ans – The author says that India’s population estimated to be 920 million. It is more than the entire population of Africa and South America put together. In India’s present condition, the hope of the people would die in their hungry hutments unless population control is given topmost priority.
9.Explain the concept of sustainable development.
Ans- The concept of sustainable development was popularized in 1987 by the World Commission on Environment and Development. In its report it defined the idea as “Development that meets the needs of the present, without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs”. It means development which is to be capable of sustaining or renewing itself.
10. What do you mean by Green movement? How did it start and what is its present status?
Ans- The Green Movement means making the earth look green by planting more trees and maintaining a clean environment.
In 1972 the world’s first nationwide Green party was founded green movement. Now, it has captured the imagination of the entire human race in the backdrop of deteriorating environment.
11.Who is the most dangerous animal in the world? What new awareness has dawned in it?
Ans- The most dangerous animal in the world is ‘man’ because he has brought about his own destruction and of other as well. They destroy the natural resources so much that the earth is unable to sustain life.
A new awareness has dawned upon is that the earth is not a system based on domination on partnership.
12.What new idea has been adopted in the new era of responsibility?
Ans- In the new era of responsibility we have adopted a holistic and ecological view, seeing the world as an integrated whole rather than a dissociated collection of parts.
13. When and where was the Green movement party founded?
Ans- The ‘Green movement’ party was found in the year 1972 in New Zealand.
14.Name the only Indian who was the member of Brandt commission.
Ans- Mr L.K. Jha was the only Indian who was the member of Brandt commission.
15.Name the president of the ‘World Resource Institute’.
Ans- James Speth is the president of the ‘World Resource Institute’.
16.What does the Article 48 of the constitution of India say about the environment.?
Ans- Article 48 of the constitution of India says that “the state shall endeavour to protect and improve the environment and to safeguard the forests and wildlife of the country.
17.We have not inherited this earth from our forefather we have borrowed it from our children? Discuss.
Ans- People think that they have the right to do anything on this earth. They are working against environment. Their such activities are taking earth destruction. They should remember that earth is not their inherited property. They must hand over this to the future generation. They are only the trustee not the master.
18. The problems of overpopulation that affect our everyday life. Discuss.
Ans- Undoubtedly, the growth of the strongest factor which is distorting our future generation as well as our everyday life. According to the author, population growth is a great threat to the future development progress which is impossible without population control. It causes scarcity in natural resources, causes unemployment problems, food crisis and poverty.
19.What is the “power house of evolution “according to Dr Myers?
Ans- The tropical forests is “power house of evolution” according to Dr.Myers.
20.How did Margaret Thatcher and Lester Brown Comment at human responsibility to take care of the earth?
Ans- Margaret Thatcher commented that no generation has a free hold on this earth. What we have is a simple life tendency coupled with a full repairing lease. It means we live and are morally bound to repair the damage to the earth for our children.
Lester Brown commented that we have not inherited this earth from our forefather but we have borrowed it from our children.
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